What You Need To Know About Dog Constipation

Dog constipation can be caused by many things, but the most important thing to remember when dealing with this issue is that it’s not normal for your dog to have diarrhea or loose stools. If you notice any of these symptoms, please contact us immediately so we can help!


The first symptom of constipation is usually an increase in stool size and frequency. This may also include increased gas production as well as excessive drooling. Your dog will often try to lick his/her anus after defecating because he/she feels like there isn’t enough room inside their body. Other signs are lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting, weight loss, depression, and even seizures.


There are several different ways to treat canine constipation. Some people recommend using laxatives such as Milk-Bones, Metamuc il, Miralax, etc., while others prefer natural remedies such as psyllium husks, aloe vera juice, apple cider vinegar, probiotics, and more. You should always consult your veterinary before trying anything on your own. They’ll know what type of treatment would work best for your particular situation.


The easiest way to prevent constipation from happening again is to make sure your dog gets plenty of exercises every day. Exercise helps keep him/her moving throughout the day which keeps them healthy and happy. Also, if you’re feeding your pet raw food, they need to get at least 30% protein content per pound of their body weight. Protein provides essential nutrients needed to maintain muscle mass and strength.


Constipation is one of those problems that seem to come up too frequently in pets. While some cases are due to dietary changes, other times it could be something else entirely. The good news is that once you figure out what’s causing your pet’s constipation, you can start treating it right away.