What Is Holland Lop Eared Rabbit

Over the past 10-15 years, miniature breeds of rabbits have steadily settled in our apartments as full-fledged pets, and even relatively recently they were considered, to a greater extent, expensive exotic, often compared with other popular representatives of exotic fauna.

One of the popular breeds of dwarf rabbits available for breeding at home is the “Dutch” breed. The Dutch rabbit breed, despite its European name, was bred in England in the 19th century.

Fur can have several color options: white, gray, squirrel, sable, tortoiseshell, and others. The weight of the decorative breed varies from 2 to 4 kg with an average size of 25 to 40 cm, dwarf and lop-eared breeds weigh up to 1.5 kg with an average size of 15-20 cm. The Dutch breed has a lifespan of approximately 5 to 7 years.

Dutch breed care

Speaking about the content of the Dutch lop eared rabbit, it is nevertheless worth remembering that in fact, these are the most ordinary rabbits with the appropriate requirements and certain care.

According to the adaptive properties, the “Dutch” are quite hardy and can adapt to various conditions of keeping, but, as the practice of breeding shows, it is still not worth neglecting the conditions of keeping, since this, to one degree or another, may affect the animal.

Dutch rabbit feeding

Dutch lop eared rabbits have a specific digestive system. This must be taken into account when making a menu.

Due to the high rate of digestion, the number of meals can be up to 30 times only in old individuals, while young animals are able to eat 2 times more.

It is imperative to include hay in the main diet – this is the main food. At home, you can dilute the diet with millet, vegetables (boiled potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets), fresh grass (dandelion, plantain, nettle, clover), or purchase ready-made food for a suitable age at a pet store.

Dwarf rabbits replenish their vitamin reserves in an unusual way: they gladly consume some of their own waste for food. It is worth remembering about maintaining the mineral composition: pressed chalk is suitable for these purposes. Adults should be sure to lay branches to eat the bark.