Rules For Choosing A Cage For A Rabbit

Poor living conditions in rabbits can cause many problems for an animal, from boredom and depression to various diseases. If you are committed to keeping your rabbit cage, make sure you are prepared to provide the correct home for it. By adhering to the following recommendations, you can successfully select and buy a cage for a rabbit, thereby ensuring a healthy and happy life for him.

Cage size

The size of the rabbit cage is important because the larger it is, the better. It should be large enough so that the rabbit can lie down and stretch out to its full height, and high so that the animal does not hit its head on the ceiling. The living space must be divided into sleep, feeding, toilet, activity zones.

To do this, the cage must be at least 4 times larger than the rabbit, and even larger if you do not allow the pet to leave the cage for daily walks. You should not think: “I will buy a cage for a small rabbit because it is still very small”. Better immediately think about what size your pet will reach as an adult.

age location

Place the cage away from drafts and out of direct sunlight. Rabbits willingly make contact with humans but are afraid of sudden movements and sounds. The cage should be in a quiet place in your home where you can interact with your pet on a daily basis.

Cage care

Remember to clean and wash the cage weekly. The use of special detergents and disinfectants will not only eliminate all unpleasant odors but also destroy harmful bacteria, thereby ensuring the health of your pet.

If you allow the rabbit to walk around the apartment, then take some measures to keep it safe. Your pet should not chew or swallow electrical cords and wiring, eat poisonous plants, chew on carpets, furniture, etc. Many owners set up special paddocks for rabbits where they can frolic safely.